Nordic Breakfast is about porridge and berries, comfort, good health, joy, simplicity, safety, wild nature, forests, lakes and freezing winters… it’s about Nordic Happiness.

Porridge that tastes good
We are on a mission to put Nordic Breakfast on it’s rightful place right next to it’s French and English cousins. Porridge and the berries are in the core of Nordic Breakfast. That is why our first product is instant porridge with oats and lingonberries. It’s a tasty and healthy quick fix for busy mornings.
We are wild Nordic berries with superpowers.
Do you know any of us?

Hippophaë Rhamnoides
(Sea buckthorn)
My superpower is that I’m super! I have the highest nutrient content of all the wild berries – rich in vitamins C and E, fibre and essential fatty acids. The amount of vitamin C contained in 50 grams of sea buckthorn berries is equivalent to a medium-sized orange. My taste is bitterish, recommended to enjoy as a cold shot.

Vaccinium myrtillus
(Bilberry/Wild blueberry)
Anthocyanins are my superpower. Anthocyanins are bioactive compounds giving my deep blue colour inside and out, enhancing night visual acuity and improving vision health. I also contain vitamins C, E and fibre. I taste best fresh, hand picked from a forest in late summer.

Rubus Chamaemorus
My superpower is fibre. Of all berries I contain the most fibre. And vitamin C too. Cosmetic industry likes to use my seed oil when producing cosmetics. My taste is delicate and people like to enjoy me with desserts or as liquor. Which one do you prefer?

Vaccinium Vitis-idaea
Have you heard of polyphenols? They are my superpower. Recent studies with mice have shown that I can help fight obesity, isn’t that great! I also have lots of vitamin E, manganese and fibre. I’m so great yet unknown to many that I should be compared to acai and goji. I’m getting there, I promise!
Nordic Diet
World Health Organization WHO is recommending Nordic diet next to Mediterranean diet – more white fish, fibers and wild berries – to fight obesity and bad health.
Once upon a time far
far in the North…

Our Mission
We believe that Nordic life and the sources of our happiness should be shared with the world. We curate the best Nordic food ingredients and make them available to you. Why not discover and taste what Nordics has to offer!
– Founders of Nordic Breakfast
How was the porridge?
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